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HGH Abuse – Harmful Side Effects

Recently HGH abuse has been a topic of discussion. People take HGH or human grown hormone to improve their athletic performance, or just to enhance their physical appearance. For the majority of users human growth hormone is never a problem. They experience few or no side effects. But those that abuse HGH can find themselves in real trouble.

Testing for human growth hormone abuse is difficult and extremely expensive. More and more athletes are using HGH, and it will likely become part of all athletes’ drug testing regime shortly. Currently the growth in athletes turning to HGH is rapidly growing. Patients that have developmental disorders will be given HGH for longer periods. In both of these instances, HGH can lead to uncommon reactions. Anytime you are using human growth hormone you should always be under the care of your physician.

Substance Abuse and the Relationship to HGH

A report published in the “Journal of Clinical Psychiatry” in 2003, showed that substance abuse patients are more likely to use HGH and other performance-enhancing drugs. HGH itself is not addictive, but patients can become emotionally and psychologically dependent on the human growth hormone, and this is especially true with those that are already dealing with substance abuse.

“The American Journal of Addiction,” Volume 2011, evaluated the pattern between substance abuse and HGH abuse in weight lifters. They found that over 50% of the athletes they surveyed said they had used street drugs in combination with HGH. They study found substance dependence signs such as withdrawal and/or tolerance effects.

Pain and Tingling

Generally, patients and athletes taking HGH do so to improve your body composition. Scientific studies show that these effects are very rare, but as more preliminary data is available, the more information there is.

According to a 2011 review in “Endocrine Development,” children’s lean body mass can be increased with HGH. At the same time, the anabolic effects may lead to muscle reactions. In 1997, the “Clinical Endocrinology,” published an investigation that looked into the HGH impact on adults that were deficient.

For six months, the patients receive either a placebo or HGH. Those on the HGH were found to have increase muscle pain and tingling, along with increased joint pain. There was also a slight elevation in blood sugar levels, and about about 8% of the patients developed high blood pressure.

Curvature of the Spine

When children are faced with developmental challenges, doctors will give HGH to help their growth. A report in 2011 that appeared in “Clinical Endocrinology,” showed that HGH increased the height of children that had Crohn’s disease.

However, when it comes to bone growth HGH effects vary significantly. There was an experiment done, which was reviewed in “Hormone Research in Pediatrics,” the 2011 volume. The experiment assessed how HGH affected children suffered from Prader-Willi syndrome.

Th children were given either a daily or a weekly dose of HGH for a three-year period. The treatment showed positive results for both height and weight; however, there was an increase in the incidence relating to curvature of the spine. 28% of the children had spine curvature at the start of the experiment, while 47% had spine curvature at the end of the study.

Diabetic Symptoms

Growth hormone also affects insulin production. In 2009, the “Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology,” printed a review stated that HGH plays a key role in the way the body regulates sugar. The findings indicated that taking HGH will alter sugar metabolism.

A 2011 study tested this hypothesis on lab animals. For 10 days, rodents were given either an inert treatment or the HGH. The rats that received HGH had higher insulin levels with no blood sugar level changes. This would indicate that HGH actually increases insulin resistance, which is a diabetes symptom. If you are at risk of developing diabetes, you should always consult your doctor prior to using HGH.

In Summary

The abuse of HGH does occur, but it is rare. HGH should always be used under the supervision of a doctor, and remember more is not always better. Addictive personalities may want to rethink their use of HGH. For more on HGH side effects click here!

6 Responses to HGH Abuse – Harmful Side Effects

  1. randy says:

    It has always been my understanding that anything can and will be abused. From HGH to aspirin, we can take too much in an effort to get better results. I believe that the medical community should lobby the pharmaceutical companies to produce less expensive, yet still potent HGH that can be obtained by almost anybody through a doctor’s order making it more safe as it will be supervised.

  2. Kareem J says:

    I have a lot of moles in my body. Is it safe to use HGH? I have read that HGH can make cancer cells grow faster. Any feedback appreciated!

  3. nedonk says:

    Kareem you should go see your doctor before starting to take HGH because as you stated it can cause malignant cells to multiply faster. Not all moles are bad but having a lot of them does increase your risks that is why it is recommended to always check your moles for any changes.

  4. James Young says:

    As scary as the side effects of HGH are, they pale in comparison to illegal substances and a great many prescribed treatments. I recently underwent Chemo, and no sooner did my hair grow back than my teeth started to break or fall out. Sure enough, it was another side effect of the Chemo. Nowhere have I read of that happening to anyone using HGH supplements.

  5. jeremy says:

    Does hgh have side effects such a violent outburst and sudden rages of anger..

  6. Rose Stines says:

    What about someone in their late 80’s would it be safe for them to take.

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